
 *  File    : boxes/BoxBag.js
 *  Created : 21/04/2015
 *  By      : Francesc Busquets <>
 *  JClic.js
 *  An HTML5 player of JClic activities
 *  @source
 *  @license EUPL-1.2
 *  @licstart
 *  (c) 2000-2020 Catalan Educational Telematic Network (XTEC)
 *  Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or -as soon they will be approved by
 *  the European Commission- subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
 *  You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
 *  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 *  Licence for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 *  under the Licence.
 *  @licend
 *  @module

import AbstractBox from './AbstractBox';
import { Rectangle, Dimension, Point } from '../AWT';
import { settings } from '../Utils';

 * BoxBag is a class derived from {@link module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox AbstractBox} that contains a collection of "boxes"
 * (objects also derived from {@link module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox AbstractBox}). This class implements methods to add, remove
 * and retrieve boxes, and to manage some of its properties like visibility, status, location and size.
 * @extends module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox
export class BoxBag extends AbstractBox {
   * BoxBag constructor
   * @param {module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox} [parent] - The AbstractBox to which this box bag belongs
   * @param {module:AWT.Container} [container] - The container where this box bag is placed.
   * @param {module:boxes/BoxBase.BoxBase} [boxBase] - The object where colors, fonts, border and other graphic properties
  constructor(parent, container, boxBase) {
    // BoxBag extends AbstractBox
    super(parent, container, boxBase);
    this.preferredBounds = new Rectangle();
    this.cells = [];

   * Static method that sets the position and dimension of a `Resizable` object based on a
   * preferred maximum dimension and a margin.
   * @param {module:AWT.Dimension} preferredMaxSize - The preferred maximum size
   * @param {Resizable} rs - A resizable object implementing the methods described in the
   * {@link Resizable}
   * interface of JClic. Currently a {@link module:boxes/BoxBag.BoxBag BoxBag} or {@link module:boxes/TextGrid.TextGrid TextGrid}.
   * @param {number} margin - The margin between the available area and the BoxBag
   * @returns {module:AWT.Dimension} - The resulting size of the container
  static layoutSingle(preferredMaxSize, rs, margin) {

    // Avoid exceptions when rs is null
    if (!rs)
      return preferredMaxSize;

    // optimal, maximal and minimal dimensions
      d = rs.getPreferredSize(),
      minSize = rs.getMinimumSize(),
      maxSize = preferredMaxSize;

    // remove margins
    maxSize.width -= 2 * margin;
    maxSize.height -= 2 * margin;
    // correct maxSize if less than minSize
    if (minSize.width > maxSize.width || minSize.height > maxSize.height) {
      maxSize = minSize;
    // compute scale factor
    let scale = d.width > maxSize.width ? maxSize.width / d.width : 1;
    if (scale * d.height > maxSize.height)
      scale = maxSize.height / d.height;

    // resize the `Resizable` object
    d = rs.getScaledSize(scale);
    rs.setBounds(margin, margin, d.width, d.height);

    // restore margins
    d.width += 2 * margin;
    d.height += 2 * margin;

    return d;

   * Static method that sets the position and dimension of two `Resizable` objects based on a
   * preferred maximum size, a layout schema and a margin.
   * @param {module:AWT.Dimension} desiredMaxSize - The preferred maximum size
   * @param {Resizable} rsA - First resizable object implementing the methods described in the
   * {@link Resizable}
   * interface of JClic. Currently a {@link module:boxes/BoxBag.BoxBag BoxBag} or {@link module:boxes/TextGrid.TextGrid TextGrid}.
   * @param {Resizable} rsB - Second resizable object
   * @param {string} boxGridPos - The layout schema. Possible values are:
   * - "AB" (_A_ at left, _B_ at right)
   * - "BA" (_B_ at left, _A_ at right)
   * - "AUB" (_A_ above _B_)
   * - "BUA" (_A_ below _B_).
   * @param {number} margin - The margin between the available area and the BoxBag
   * @returns {module:AWT.Dimension} - The resulting size of the container
  static layoutDouble(desiredMaxSize, rsA, rsB, boxGridPos, margin) {
    // number of horizontal and vertical grid lines
      isHLayout = false,
      nbh = 1,
      nbv = 1;
    switch (boxGridPos) {
      case 'AB':
      case 'BA':
        nbh = 2;
        nbv = 1;
        isHLayout = true;
      case 'AUB':
      case 'BUA':
        nbh = 1;
        nbv = 2;
        isHLayout = false;
      ra = rsA.getBounds(),
      rb = rsB.getBounds();

    // optimal dimensions
      da = rsA.getPreferredSize(),
      db = rsB.getPreferredSize();

    const d = new Dimension(
      isHLayout ? da.width + db.width : Math.max(da.width, db.width),
      isHLayout ? Math.max(da.height, db.height) : da.height + db.height

    // minimal dimensions
      minSizeA = rsA.getMinimumSize(),
      minSizeB = rsB.getMinimumSize(),
      minSize = new Dimension(
        isHLayout ? minSizeA.width + minSizeB.width : Math.max(minSizeA.width, minSizeB.width),
        isHLayout ? Math.max(minSizeA.height, minSizeB.height) : minSizeA.height + minSizeB.height
      maxSize = desiredMaxSize;

    // remove margins
    maxSize.width -= (1 + nbh) * margin;
    maxSize.height -= (1 + nbv) * margin;

    // correct maxSize if less than minSize
    if (minSize.width > maxSize.width || minSize.height > maxSize.height)

    // compute scale factor
    let scale = d.width > maxSize.width ? maxSize.width / d.width : 1;
    if (scale * d.height > maxSize.height)
      scale = maxSize.height / d.height;

    // correct possible minimal infractions
    // ...
    // resize
    da = rsA.getScaledSize(scale);
    db = rsB.getScaledSize(scale);

    // set margins to center one box relative to the other
      dah = db.width > da.width ? (db.width - da.width) / 2 : 0,
      dbh = da.width > db.width ? (da.width - db.width) / 2 : 0,
      dav = db.height > da.height ? (db.height - da.height) / 2 : 0,
      dbv = da.height > db.height ? (da.height - db.height) / 2 : 0;

    switch (boxGridPos) {
      case 'AB':
        rsA.setBounds(margin, margin + dav, da.width, da.height);
        rsB.setBounds(2 * margin + da.width, margin + dbv, db.width, db.height);
      case 'BA':
        rsB.setBounds(margin, margin + dbv, db.width, db.height);
        rsA.setBounds(2 * margin + db.width, margin + dav, da.width, da.height);
      case 'AUB':
        rsA.setBounds(margin + dah, margin, da.width, da.height);
        rsB.setBounds(margin + dbh, 2 * margin + da.height, db.width, db.height);
      case 'BUA':
        rsB.setBounds(margin + dbh, margin, db.width, db.height);
        rsA.setBounds(margin + dah, 2 * margin + db.height, da.width, da.height);
          Math.round(margin + scale * ra.pos.x),
          Math.round(margin + scale * ra.pos.y),
          da.width, da.height);
          Math.round(margin + scale * rb.pos.x),
          Math.round(margin + scale * rb.pos.y),
          da.width, da.height);

    // recompute 'd' adding margins
    const r = new Rectangle(rsA.getBounds());
    d.width = r.dim.width + 2 * margin;
    d.height = r.dim.height + 2 * margin;

    return d;

   * Gets the preferred size of this `BoxBag`
   * @returns {module:AWT.Dimension}
  getPreferredSize() {
    return this.preferredBounds.dim;

   * Gets the minimum size requested by this `BoxBag`
   * @returns {module:AWT.Dimension}
  getMinimumSize() {
    const d = this.getPreferredSize();
    return new Dimension(
      Math.max(settings.MIN_CELL_SIZE, d.width),
      Math.max(settings.MIN_CELL_SIZE, d.height));

   * Scales the current size of this box bag, multiplying all values by a specific factor
   * @param {number} scale - The scale factor
   * @returns {module:AWT.Dimension}
  getScaledSize(scale) {
    const d = this.getPreferredSize();
    return new Dimension(Math.round(scale * d.width), Math.round(scale * d.height));

   * Adds an {@link module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox AbstractBox} to the collection of cells
   * @param {module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox} bx - The box to add
  addBox(bx) {

    if (this.cells.length === 1), bx);


   * Returns the index of a specific box in the `cells` array
   * @param {module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox} bx
   * @returns {number}
  boxIndex(bx) {
    return bx === null ? -1 : this.cells.indexOf(bx);

   * Returns the box at a specific index in the `cells` array
   * @param {number} n - The index
   * @returns {module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox}
  getBox(n) {
    return n < 0 || n >= this.cells.length ? null : this.cells[n];

   * Gets the background box
   * @returns {module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox}
  getBackgroundBox() {
    return this.backgroundBox;

   * Sets the background box
   * @param {module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox} bx
  setBackgroundBox(bx) {
    this.backgroundBox = bx;
    if (bx !== null) {
      bx.isBackground = true;
    // Add the `backgroundbox` rectangle to the global BoxBag rectangle, bx);

   * Recalculates the total size of this BoxBag (useful after direct additions o deletions of
   * elements in the `cells` array).
   * Updates `preferredBounds` and the current position and size of the box bag.
  recalcSize() {
    let r = this.backgroundBox ? new Rectangle(this.backgroundBox.pos, this.backgroundBox.dim) : null;
    this.cells.forEach(cell => {
      if (!r)
        r = new Rectangle(cell.pos, cell.dim);
    if (!r)
      r = new Rectangle(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 0, 0);
    this.x = r.pos.x;
    this.y = r.pos.y;
    this.dim.width = r.dim.width;
    this.dim.height = r.dim.height;

   * Returns the number of cells stored in this BoxBag
   * @returns {number}
  getNumCells() {
    return this.cells.length;

   * Sets the specified key - value pair to all cells of this bag.
   * @param {string} key - The key to be established
   * @param {any} value - The value, of any type
  setCellAttr(key, value) {
    this.cells.forEach(bx => bx[key] = value);
    if (this.backgroundBox)
      this.backgroundBox[key] = value;

   * Overrides {@link module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox#setBorder} iterating over all the cells stored in this box bag.
   * @override
   * @param {boolean} newVal - Whether to set or unset the border
  setBorder(newVal) {
    this.cells.forEach(bx => bx.setBorder(newVal));

   * Overrides {@link module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox#setVisible} iterating over all the cells stored in this box bag.
   * @override
   * @param {boolean} newVal - Whether to set the cells visible or not
  setVisible(newVal) {
    this.cells.forEach(bx => bx.setVisible(newVal));

   * Overrides {@link module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox#setAlternative} iterating over all the cells stored in this box bag.
   * @override
   * @param {boolean} newVal - Whether to set or unset the cells in "alternative" mode
  setAlternative(newVal) {
    this.cells.forEach(bx => bx.setAlternative(newVal));

   * Overrides {@link module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox#setBounds} adjusting the position and size of all cells
   * @override
   * @param {(AWT.Rectangle|number)} rect - An AWT.Rectangle object, or the `x` coordinate of the
   * upper-left corner of a new rectangle.
   * @param {number} [ry] - `y` coordinate of the upper-left corner of the new rectangle.
   * @param {number} [rw] - Width of the new rectangle.
   * @param {number} [rh] - Height of the new rectangle.
  setBounds(rect, ry, rw, rh) {
    if (typeof rect === 'number') {
      // Arguments are co-ordinates and size
      rect = new Rectangle(rect, ry, rw, rh);
    if (rect.getSurface() > 0 && !rect.equals(this)) {
        scaleW = rect.dim.width / this.dim.width,
        scaleH = rect.dim.height / this.dim.height,
        dx = rect.pos.x - this.pos.x,
        dy = rect.pos.y - this.pos.y;
      this.cells.forEach(bx => {
        const p = new Point(bx.pos.x - this.pos.x, bx.pos.y - this.pos.y);
          dx + this.pos.x + scaleW * p.x,
          dy + this.pos.y + scaleH * p.y,
          scaleW * bx.dim.width,
          scaleH * bx.dim.height);
        // Clear pos0
        bx.pos0 = null;
      if (this.backgroundBox !== null) {
          bx = this.backgroundBox,
          p = new Point(bx.pos.x - this.pos.x, bx.pos.y - this.pos.y);
          dx + this.pos.x + scaleW * p.x,
          dy + this.pos.y + scaleH * p.y,
          scaleW * bx.dim.width,
          scaleH * bx.dim.height);

   * Performs graphics operations for each cell.
   * Overrides {@link module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox#update}
   * @override
   * @param {external:CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - The canvas rendering context used to draw the
   * box contents.
   * @param {module:AWT.Rectangle} [dirtyRegion] - The area that must be repainted. `null` refers to the whole box.
  update(ctx, dirtyRegion) {
    if (this.isEmpty() || !this.isVisible() || this.isTemporaryHidden())
      return false;

    if (dirtyRegion && !this.intersects(dirtyRegion))
      return false;

    if (this.backgroundBox !== null)
      this.backgroundBox.update(ctx, dirtyRegion);

    this.cells.forEach(bx => {
      if (!bx.isMarked())
        bx.update(ctx, dirtyRegion);

    // Make a second loop to repaint marked cells
    this.cells.forEach(bx => {
      if (bx.isMarked())
        bx.update(ctx, dirtyRegion);
    return true;

   * Finds the first visible {@link module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox AbstractBox} located under the specified point
   * @param {module:AWT.Point} p
   * @returns {module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox}
  findBox(p) {
    let result = null;
    for (let i = this.cells.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      const bx = this.getBox(i);
      if (bx.isVisible() && bx.contains(p)) {
        result = bx;
    return result;

   * Count the number of cells of this BoxBag that are in "inactive" state
   * @returns {number}
  countInactiveCells() {
    return this.cells.reduce((n, bx) => bx.isInactive() ? ++n : n, 0);

Object.assign(BoxBag.prototype, {
   * The array of cells
   * @name module:boxes/BoxBag.BoxBag#cells
   * @type {module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox[]} */
  cells: [],
   * Rectangle containing the preferred bounds of the BoxBag
   * @name module:boxes/BoxBag.BoxBag#preferredBounds
   * @type {module:AWT.Rectangle} */
  preferredBounds: new Rectangle(),
   * An optional box used as a background by this BoxBag
   * @name module:boxes/BoxBag.BoxBag#backgroundBox
   * @type {module:boxes/AbstractBox.AbstractBox} */
  backgroundBox: null,

export default BoxBag;