
 *  File    : boxes/TextGridContent.js
 *  Created : 14/04/2015
 *  By      : Francesc Busquets <>
 *  JClic.js
 *  An HTML5 player of JClic activities
 *  @source
 *  @license EUPL-1.2
 *  @licstart
 *  (c) 2000-2020 Educational Telematic Network of Catalonia (XTEC)
 *  Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or -as soon they will be approved by
 *  the European Commission- subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
 *  You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
 *  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 *  Licence for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 *  under the Licence.
 *  @licend
 *  @module

import $ from 'jquery';
import { settings, attrForEach, getBoolean, getAttr, setAttr } from '../Utils';
import BoxBase from './BoxBase';

 * This class encapsulates the content of {@link module:boxes/TextGrid.TextGrid TextGrid} objects.
 * It implements methods to set and retrieve individual characters on the grid, and parsing of
 * XML objects. It also contains information about the optimal size and other graphic properties
 * (fonts, colors, etc.) of the grid.
export class TextGridContent {
   * TextGridContent constructor
  constructor() { = new BoxBase(null);
    this.text = [];

   * Loads the object settings from a specific JQuery XML element
   * @param {external:jQuery} $xml
  setProperties($xml) {
    // Read attributes
    attrForEach($xml.get(0).attributes, (name, val) => {
      switch (name) {
        case 'rows':
          // WARNING: Due to a bug in JClic, the meaning of "rows" and "columns" must be
          // interchanged:
          this.ncw = Number(val);
        case 'columns':
          this.nch = Number(val);
        case 'cellWidth':
          this.w = Number(val);
        case 'cellHeight':
          this.h = Number(val);
        case 'border':
          this.border = getBoolean(val);
        case 'wild':
        case 'randomChars':
          this[name] = val;

    // Read inner elements
    $xml.children('style:first').each((_n, child) => { = new BoxBase().setProperties($(child));

    $xml.find('text:first > row').each((_n, el) => this.text.push(el.textContent));

    for (let i = this.text.length; i < this.nch; i++)
      this.text[i] = '';

    return this;

   * Gets a object with the basic attributes needed to rebuild this instance excluding functions,
   * parent references, constants and also attributes retaining the default value.
   * The resulting object is commonly usued to serialize elements in JSON format.
   * @returns {object} - The resulting object, with minimal attrributes
  getAttributes() {
    return getAttr(this, [
      'ncw', 'nch',
      'w', 'h',
      'style', // BoxBase

   * Reads the properties of this TextGridContent from a data object
   * @param {object|string} data - The data object to be parsed, or just the text content
   * @returns {module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent}
  setAttributes(data) {
    return setAttr(this, data, [
      'ncw', 'nch',
      'w', 'h',
      { key: 'style', fn: BoxBase },

   * Counts the number of wildcard characters present in this TextGrid
   * @returns {number}
  countWildChars() {
    let result = 0;
    if (this.text)
      for (let y = 0; y < this.nch; y++)
        for (let x = 0; x < this.ncw; x++)
          if (this.text[y].charAt(x) === this.wild)
    return result;

   * Counts the total number of characters, including wildcard characters.
   * @returns {number}
  getNumChars() {
    return this.ncw * this.nch;

   * Sets the specified character as a content of the cell located at specific coordinates
   * @param {number} x - The X coordinate of the cell
   * @param {number} y - The X coordinate of the cell
   * @param {string} ch - The character to be placed on the specified cell
  setCharAt(x, y, ch) {
    if (x >= 0 && x < this.ncw && y >= 0 && y < this.nch)
      this.text[y] = this.text[y].substring(0, x) + ch + this.text[y].substring(x + 1);

Object.assign(TextGridContent.prototype, {
   * Grid columns
   * @name module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent#ncw
   * @type {number} */
  ncw: 1,
   * Grid rows
   * @name module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent#nch
   * @type {number} */
  nch: 1,
   * Width of cells
   * @name module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent#w
   * @type {number} */
  w: 20,
   * Height of cells
   * @name module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent#h
   * @type {number} */
  h: 20,
   * Whether the cells must be surrounded by a border or not
   * @name module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent#border
   * @type {boolean} */
  border: false,
   * The {@link module:boxes/BoxBase.BoxBase BoxBase} object with visual settings of the text grid
   * @name module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent#style
   * @type {module:boxes/BoxBase.BoxBase} */
  style: null,
   * An array of String objects textning the chars of cells. One string per row, one character of
   * this string per cell.
   * @name module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent#text
   * @type {string[]} */
  text: null,
   * The letter used as wildcardtext
   * @name module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent#wild
   * @type {string} */
  wild: '*',
   * A String with the chars to take as source when randomly filling empty cells
   * @name module:boxes/TextGridContent.TextGridContent#randomChars
   * @type {string} */
  randomChars: settings.RANDOM_CHARS,

export default TextGridContent;