
 *  File    : skins/CustomSkin.js
 *  Created : 12/02/2018
 *  By      : Francesc Busquets <>
 *  JClic.js
 *  An HTML5 player of JClic activities
 *  @source
 *  @license EUPL-1.2
 *  @licstart
 *  (c) 2000-2020 Educational Telematic Network of Catalonia (XTEC)
 *  Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or -as soon they will be approved by
 *  the European Commission- subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
 *  You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
 *  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 *  Licence for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 *  under the Licence.
 *  @licend
 *  @module

import $ from 'jquery';
import Skin from './Skin';
import Counter from './Counter';
import { getMsg, checkColor, getImgClipUrl } from '../Utils';
import { Rectangle } from '../AWT';
import ActiveBox from '../boxes/ActiveBox';

 * Custom {@link module:skins/Skin.Skin Skin} for JClic.js, built assembling specific cuts of a canvas (usually a PNG file) defined in an XML file
 * @extends module:skins/Skin.Skin
export class CustomSkin extends Skin {

   * CustomSkin constructor
   * @param {module:JClicPlayer.JClicPlayer} ps - The PlayStation (currently a {@link module:JClicPlayer.JClicPlayer JClicPlayer}) used to load and
   * realize the media objects needed tot build the Skin.
   * @param {string} [name] - The skin class name
   * @param {object} [options] - Optional parameter with additional options
  constructor(ps, name = null, options = null) {
    // CustomSkin extends [Skin](Skin.html)
    super(ps, name, options);

    this.$mainPanel = $('<div/>', { class: 'JClicCustomMainPanel' });
    this.$gridPanel = $('<div/>', { class: 'JClicGridPanel' });
    for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++)
      this.$gridPanel.append($('<div/>', { class: `JClicCell JClicCell${i + 1}` }));

    // Add buttons
    if (options.buttons) {
      Object.keys(options.buttons.button).forEach(k => {
        const k2 = k === 'about' ? 'reports' : k;
        const msg = getMsg(this.msgKeys[k2] || k2);
        this.buttons[k2] = $('<button/>', { class: `JClicBtn JClicTransform Btn-${k2}`, title: msg, 'aria-label': msg, disabled: typeof this.msgKeys[k2] === 'undefined' })
          .on('click', evt => { if (ps.actions[k2]) ps.actions[k2].processEvent(evt); });

    // Add message box
    if (options.rectangle.messages) {
      this.msgBox = new ActiveBox();
      this.msgBox.role = 'message';
      this.$msgBoxDiv = $('<div/>', { class: 'JClicMsgBox' })
        .on('click', () => {
          return false;

    // Add counters
    if (false !== && options.counters && options.counters.counter) {
      $.each(Skin.prototype.counters, (name, _val) => {
        if (options.counters.counter[name]) {
          const msg = getMsg(name);
          this.counters[name] = new Counter(name, $('<div/>', { class: `JClicCounter JClicTransform Counter-${name}`, title: msg, 'aria-label': msg })

    // Add progress animation
    if (options.progressAnimation) {
      this.$progressAnimation = $('<div/>', { class: 'JClicProgressAnimation JClicTransform' });


   * Enables or disables the `tabindex` attribute of the main buttons. Useful when a modal dialog
   * overlay is active, to avoid direct access to controls not related with the dialog.
   * @param {boolean} status - `true` to make main controls navigable, `false` otherwise
  enableMainButtons(status) {
    this.$mainPanel.find('.JClicBtn').attr('tabindex', status ? '0' : '-1');

   * Computes the CSS styles used by this skin in thre moodes: main, half ant twoThirds.
   * The resulting strings will be stored in `cssVariants`
   * @returns {string}
  _computeStyleSheets() {
      maxw = this.options.dimension.preferredSize.width,
      maxh = this.options.dimension.preferredSize.height;

    this.twoThirdsMedia = { width: maxw, height: maxh };
    this.halfMedia = {
      width: Math.round(2 * maxw / 3),
      height: Math.round(2 * maxh / 3)

    // Panels:
      ph0 = this.options.rectangle.frame.left,
      ph1 = ph0 + this.options.rectangle.player.left,
      ph2 = ph0 + this.options.slicer.left,
      ph3 = ph0 + this.options.slicer.right,
      ph4 = ph1 + this.options.rectangle.player.width,
      ph5 = ph0 + this.options.rectangle.frame.width,
      pv0 =,
      pv1 = pv0 +,
      pv2 = pv0 +,
      pv3 = pv0 + this.options.slicer.bottom,
      pv4 = pv1 + this.options.rectangle.player.height,
      pv5 = pv0 + this.options.rectangle.frame.height,
      imgElement =, true),
      imgUrl = && ? : '',
      box1 = ? getImgClipUrl(, new Rectangle(ph0, pv0, ph2 - ph0, pv2 - pv0)) : '',
      box2 = ? getImgClipUrl(, new Rectangle(ph2 - ph0, pv0, ph3 - ph2, pv2 - pv0)) : '',
      box3 = ? getImgClipUrl(, new Rectangle(ph3, pv0, ph5 - ph3, pv2 - pv0)) : '',
      box4 = ? getImgClipUrl(, new Rectangle(ph0, pv2 - pv0, ph2 - ph0, pv3 - pv2)) : '',
      box6 = ? getImgClipUrl(, new Rectangle(ph3 - ph0, pv2 - pv0, ph5 - ph3, pv3 - pv2)) : '',
      box7 = ? getImgClipUrl(, new Rectangle(ph0, pv3 - pv0, ph2 - ph0, pv5 - pv3)) : '',
      box8 = ? getImgClipUrl(, new Rectangle(ph2 - ph0, pv3 - pv0, ph3 - ph2, pv5 - pv3)) : '',
      box9 = ? getImgClipUrl(, new Rectangle(ph3, pv3 - pv0, ph5 - ph3, pv5 - pv3)) : '';

    let css = `
.ID .JClicCustomMainPanel {flex-grow:1;position:relative;background-color: ${checkColor(this.options.color.fill.value)};}
.ID .JClicGridPanel {position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;display:grid;grid-template-columns:${ph2 - ph0}px 1fr ${ph5 - ph3}px;grid-template-rows:${pv2 - pv0}px 1fr ${pv5 - pv3}px;}
.ID .JClicCell {background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain;}
.ID .JClicPlayerCell {position:absolute;top:${pv1 - pv0}px;right:${ph5 - ph4}px;bottom:${pv5 - pv4}px;left:${ph1 - ph0}px;}
.ID .JClicCell1 {background-image:url(${box1});}
.ID .JClicCell2 {background-image:url(${box2});background-repeat:repeat-x;}
.ID .JClicCell3 {background-image:url(${box3});}
.ID .JClicCell4 {background-image:url(${box4});background-repeat:repeat-y;}
.ID .JClicCell5 {}
.ID .JClicCell6 {background-image:url(${box6});background-repeat:repeat-y;}
.ID .JClicCell7 {background-image:url(${box7});}
.ID .JClicCell8 {background-image:url(${box8});background-repeat:repeat-x;}
.ID .JClicCell9 {background-image:url(${box9});}`;

    let cssHalf = `
.ID .JClicGridPanel {grid-template-columns:${Math.round((ph2 - ph0) / 2)}px 1fr ${Math.round((ph5 - ph3) / 2)}px;grid-template-rows:${Math.round((pv2 - pv0) / 2)}px 1fr ${Math.round((pv5 - pv3) / 2)}px;}
.ID .JClicPlayerCell {top:${Math.round((pv1 - pv0) / 2)}px;right:${Math.round((ph5 - ph4) / 2)}px;bottom:${Math.round((pv5 - pv4) / 2)}px;left:${Math.round((ph1 - ph0) / 2)}px;}
.ID .JClicTransform {transform: scale(0.5);}`;

    let cssTwoThirds = `
.ID .JClicGridPanel {grid-template-columns:${Math.round(2 * (ph2 - ph0) / 3)}px 1fr ${Math.round(2 * (ph5 - ph3) / 3)}px;grid-template-rows:${Math.round(2 * (pv2 - pv0) / 3)}px 1fr ${Math.round(2 * (pv5 - pv3) / 3)}px;}
.ID .JClicPlayerCell {top:${Math.round(2 * (pv1 - pv0) / 3)}px;right:${Math.round(2 * (ph5 - ph4) / 3)}px;bottom:${Math.round(2 * (pv5 - pv4) / 3)}px;left:${Math.round(2 * (ph1 - ph0) / 3)}px;}
.ID .JClicTransform {transform: scale(0.666);}`;

    // Buttons:
    if (this.options.buttons) {
      const bt = this.options.buttons;
      let wBase = 30, hBase = 30, offsetBase = {};
      if (bt.settings) {
        if (bt.settings.dimension) {
          wBase = bt.settings.dimension.width || wBase;
          hBase = bt.settings.dimension.height || hBase;
        if (bt.settings.offset)
          Object.assign(offsetBase, bt.settings.offset);
      Object.keys(this.options.buttons.button).forEach(k => {
          btn = bt.button[k],
          k2 = k === 'about' ? 'reports' : k;
        let w = wBase, h = hBase, offset = offsetBase;
        if (btn.settings) {
          if (btn.settings.dimension) {
            w = btn.settings.dimension.width || w;
            h = btn.settings.dimension.height || h;
          if (btn.settings.offset)
            offset = Object.assign({}, offsetBase, btn.settings.offset);
          x = btn.point.pos.left,
          xp = x < ph2 ? `left:${x}` : `right:${ph5 - x - w}`,
          xpHalf = x < ph2 ? `left:${Math.round(x / 2 - w / 4)}` : `right:${Math.round((ph5 - x - w) / 2 - w / 4)}`,
          xpTwoThirds = x < ph2 ? `left:${Math.round(2 * x / 3 - w / 6)}` : `right:${Math.round(2 * (ph5 - x - w) / 3 - w / 6)}`,
          y =,
          yp = y < pv2 ? `top:${y}` : `bottom:${pv5 - y - h}`,
          ypHalf = y < pv2 ? `top:${Math.round(y / 2 - h / 4)}` : `bottom:${Math.round((pv5 - y - h) / 2 - h / 4)}`,
          ypTwoThirds = y < pv2 ? `top:${Math.round(2 * y / 3 - h / 6)}` : `bottom:${Math.round(2 * (pv5 - y - h) / 3 - h / 6)}`,
          xs = btn.point.source.left,
          ys =;
        css += `.ID .Btn-${k2} {position:absolute;${xp}px;${yp}px;width:${w}px;height:${h}px;background:url(${imgUrl}) !important;background-position:-${xs}px -${ys}px !important;}\n`;
        cssHalf += `.ID .Btn-${k2} {${xpHalf}px;${ypHalf}px;}\n`;
        cssTwoThirds += `.ID .Btn-${k2} {${xpTwoThirds}px;${ypTwoThirds}px;}\n`;
        if (
          css += `.ID .Btn-${k2}:active {background-position:-${xs +}px -${ys +}px !important;}\n`;
        if (offset.over)
          css += `.ID .Btn-${k2}:hover {background-position:-${xs + offset.over.right}px -${ys + offset.over.down}px !important;}\n`;
        if (offset.disabled)
          css += `.ID .Btn-${k2}:disabled {background-position:-${xs + offset.disabled.right}px -${ys + offset.disabled.down}px !important;}\n`;

    // Counters:
    if (this.options.counters && this.options.counters.settings) {
      const cnt = this.options.counters;
      let wBase = 35, hBase = 20;
      if (cnt.settings.dimension && cnt.settings.dimension.counter) {
        wBase = (cnt.settings.dimension.counter.width || wBase);
        hBase = cnt.settings.dimension.counter.height || hBase;
      let wLb = 37, hLb = 14;
      if (cnt.settings.dimension && cnt.settings.dimension.label) {
        wLb = (cnt.settings.dimension.label.width || wLb);
        hLb = cnt.settings.dimension.label.height || hLb;
      let bColor = 'black';
      if ( && &&
        bColor = checkColor( || bColor);
      let lbFntSize = hLb - 4;
      let lbFntFamily = 'Roboto';
      if ( && && {
        lbFntSize = Math.max(8, || lbFntSize);
        lbFntFamily = `${ || 'Roboto'},Roboto,sans-serif`;

      css += `.ID .JClicCounter {font-size:${hBase - 2}px;color:${bColor}}\n`;
      Object.keys(this.options.counters.counter).forEach(k => {
          counter = cnt.counter[k];
        let w = wBase, h = hBase;
          x = counter.point.counter.left,
          xl = counter.point.label.left || (x - Math.round((wLb - wBase) / 2)),
          xp = x < ph2 ? `left:${x}` : `right:${ph5 - x - w}`,
          xpHalf = x < ph2 ? `left:${Math.round(x / 2 - w / 4)}` : `right:${Math.round((ph5 - x - w) / 2 - w / 4)}`,
          xpTwoThirds = x < ph2 ? `left:${Math.round(2 * x / 3 - w / 6)}` : `right:${Math.round(2 * (ph5 - x - w) / 3 - w / 6)}`,
          y =,
          yl = || (y - hLb),
          yp = y < pv2 ? `top:${y}` : `bottom:${pv5 - y - h}`,
          ypHalf = y < pv2 ? `top:${Math.round(y / 2 - h / 4)}` : `bottom:${Math.round((pv5 - y - h) / 2 - h / 4)}`,
          ypTwoThirds = y < pv2 ? `top:${Math.round(2 * y / 3 - h / 6)}` : `bottom:${Math.round(2 * (pv5 - y - h) / 3 - h / 6)}`;
        // counter:
        css += `.ID .Counter-${k} {position:absolute;${xp}px;${yp}px;width:${w}px;height:${h}px;line-height:${h}px;}\n`;
        // label:
        css += `.ID .Counter-${k}:before {content:"${getMsg(k)}";font-size:${lbFntSize}px;font-family:${lbFntFamily};width:${wLb}px;height:${hLb}px;line-height:${hLb}px;position:absolute;top:${yl - y}px;left:${xl - x}px;}`;
        // reduced sizes:
        cssHalf += `.ID .Counter-${k} {${xpHalf}px;${ypHalf}px;}\n`;
        cssTwoThirds += `.ID .Counter-${k} {${xpTwoThirds}px;${ypTwoThirds}px;}\n`;

    // Progress animation:
    if (this.options.progressAnimation) {
      const pa = this.options.progressAnimation;
      let w = 30, h = 30;
      if (pa.dimension) {
        w = pa.dimension.width || w;
        h = pa.dimension.height || h;
        x = pa.point.pos.left,
        xp = x < ph2 ? `left:${x}` : `right:${ph5 - x - w}`,
        xpHalf = x < ph2 ? `left:${Math.round(x / 2 - w / 4)}` : `right:${Math.round((ph5 - x - w) / 2 - w / 4)}`,
        xpTwoThirds = x < ph2 ? `left:${Math.round(2 * x / 3 - w / 6)}` : `right:${Math.round(2 * (ph5 - x - w) / 3 - w / 6)}`,
        y =,
        yp = y < pv2 ? `top:${y}` : `bottom:${pv5 - y - h}`,
        ypHalf = y < pv2 ? `top:${Math.round(y / 2 - h / 4)}` : `bottom:${Math.round((pv5 - y - h) / 2 - h / 4)}`,
        ypTwoThirds = y < pv2 ? `top:${Math.round(2 * y / 3 - h / 6)}` : `bottom:${Math.round(2 * (pv5 - y - h) / 3 - h / 6)}`,
        xs = pa.point.source.left,
        ys =;
      css += `.ID .JClicProgressAnimation {position:absolute;${xp}px;${yp}px;width:${w}px;height:${h}px;background:url(${imgUrl});background-position:-${xs}px -${ys}px;}\n`;
      cssHalf += `.ID .JClicProgressAnimation {${xpHalf}px;${ypHalf}px;}\n`;
      cssTwoThirds += `.ID .JClicProgressAnimation {${xpTwoThirds}px;${ypTwoThirds}px;}\n`;

      if (pa.frames && pa.direction) {
          dx = (pa.step || w) * (pa.direction === 'right' ? 1 : pa.direction === 'left' ? -1 : 0),
          dy = (pa.step || h) * (pa.direction === 'down' ? 1 : pa.direction === 'up' ? -1 : 0);
        css += `\n@keyframes anim {100% {background-position:${(xs + dx * pa.frames) * -1}px ${(ys + dy * pa.frames) * -1}px;}}\n.ID .JClicProgressAnimation {animation: anim ${pa.frames * pa.delay}ms steps(${pa.frames}) infinite;}`;

    // Messages box:
    if (this.options.rectangle.messages) {
        bx = this.options.rectangle.messages,
        left = ph0 + bx.left,
        right = ph5 - bx.width - bx.left - ph0,
        tb = < pv2 ? `top:${}` : `bottom:${pv5 - bx.height -}`,
        tbHalf = < pv2 ? `top:${Math.round( / 2)}` : `bottom:${Math.round((pv5 - bx.height - / 2)}`,
        tbTwoThirds = < pv2 ? `top:${Math.round(2 * / 3)}` : `bottom:${Math.round(2 * (pv5 - bx.height - / 3)}`;

      css += `.ID .JClicMsgBox {position:absolute;left:${left}px;right:${right}px;height:${bx.height}px;${tb}px;}`;
      cssHalf += `.ID .JClicMsgBox {left:${Math.round(left / 2)}px;right:${Math.round(right / 2)}px;height:${Math.round(bx.height / 2)}px;${tbHalf}px;}`;
      cssTwoThirds += `.ID .JClicMsgBox {left:${Math.round(2 * left / 3)}px;right:${Math.round(2 * right / 3)}px;height:${Math.round(2 * bx.height / 3)}px;${tbTwoThirds}px;}`;

    // TODO: Implement status messages?

    // Store results in `cssVariants`
    this.cssVariants = {
      default: this.mainCSS + css,
      half: cssHalf,
      twoThirds: cssTwoThirds

   * Returns the CSS styles used by this skin. This method should be called only from
   * the `Skin` constructor, and overridded by subclasses if needed.
   * @param {string} media - A specific media size. Possible values are: 'default', 'half' and 'twoThirds'
   * @override
   * @returns {string}
  _getStyleSheets(media = 'default') {
    if (!this.cssVariants)
    return `${super._getStyleSheets(media)}${this.cssVariants[media] || ''}`;

   * Sets/unsets the 'wait' state
   * @override
   * @param {boolean} status - Whether to set or unset the wait status. When `undefined`, the
   * `waitCursorCount` member is evaluated to decide if the wait state should be activated or deactivated.
  setWaitCursor(status) {
    if (this.$progressAnimation)
      this.$progressAnimation.css('animation-play-state', this.waitCursorCount > 0 ? 'running' : 'paused');

Object.assign(CustomSkin.prototype, {
   * Class name of this skin. It will be used as a base selector in the definition of all CSS styles.
   * @name module:skins/CustomSkin.CustomSkin#skinId
   * @override
   * @type {string} */
  skinId: 'JClicCustomSkin',
   * The name of the image file to be used as a base of this skin.
   * @name module:skins/CustomSkin.CustomSkin#image
   * @type {string} */
  image: null,
   * Styles used in this skin
   * @name module:skins/CustomSkin.CustomSkin#skinCSS
   * @override
   * @type {string} */
  mainCSS: '\
.ID .JClicPlayerCnt {margin:0;}\
.ID .JClicBtn:focus {outline:0;}\
.ID .JClicCounter {font-family:Roboto,sans-serif;text-align:center;}',
   * Specifc styles (`default`, `half` and `twoThirds`) computed at run-time,
   * based on the provided XML file
   * @name module:skins/CustomSkin.CustomSkin#cssVariants
   * @type {object} */
  cssVariants: null,
   * Key ids of currently supported buttons, associated with its helper literal
   * @name module:skins/CustomSkin.CustomSkin#msgKeys
   * @type {object} */
  msgKeys: {
    next: 'Next activity',
    prev: 'Previous activity',
    info: 'Information',
    help: 'Help',
    reports: 'Reports',
    // TODO: Implement audio on/off!
    audio: 'Audio on/off',
    reset: 'Reset activity',
   * Graphic indicator of loading progress
   * @name module:skins/CustomSkin.Skin#$progressAnimation
   * @type {external:jQuery} */
  $progressAnimation: null,

// Register this class in the list of available skins
export default Skin.registerClass('custom', CustomSkin);