Skin skin
boolean solved
Image bgImage
boolean playing
boolean firstRun
int currentItem
BoxConnector bc
PlayStation ps
MediaBagEditor mediaBagEditor
JRadioButton absoluteBtn
ColorButton actBgColorBtn
GradientButton actGradientButton
ColorButton bgColorBtn
JCheckBox borderChk
JRadioButton centeredBtn
GradientButton gradientButton
ImgButton imgButton
ButtonGroup locationGroup
JLabel locationLb
SmallIntEditor marginInt
JPanel previewPanel
JCheckBox tiledBgImgChk
JCheckBox transpChk
SmallIntEditor xInt
SmallIntEditor yInt
Options options
ActivityEditorPanel parent
List<E> contentProviders
List<E> allContentProviders
JCheckBox actionsCounterChk
JComboBox<E> autoCpCombo
JButton autoCpEditBtn
RollPanel autoCpPanel
JCheckBox bIncludeInReportsChk
JCheckBox bRegisterActionsChk
RollPanel behaviorPanel
RollPanel buttonsPanel
JButton chClassBtn
JButton chNameBtn
JLabel className
JTextField codeText
JCheckBox countdownActionsChk
JCheckBox countdownTimeChk
RollPanel countersPanel
RollPanel descPanel
JScrollPane descScroll
JTextPane descText
JCheckBox dragCellsChk
EventSoundsButton evSoundsBtn
JCheckBox helpBtnChk
JRadioButton helpBtnMsg
JScrollPane helpBtnMsgScroll
JTextArea helpBtnMsgText
JRadioButton helpBtnSolution
JCheckBox infoBtnChk
JRadioButton infoBtnCmdChk
JTextField infoBtnCmdTxt
JRadioButton infoBtnUrlChk
JTextField infoBtnUrlTxt
SmallIntEditor maxActionsInt
SmallIntEditor maxTimeInt
JLabel nameText
JCheckBox orderChk
RollPanel reportPanel
JCheckBox scoreCounterChk
SmallIntEditor scrambleTimesInt
JScrollPane scroll
JComboBox<E> skinCombo
JCheckBox timeCounterChk
RollPanel uiPanel
Options options
AuthorSettings settings
ButtonGroup bg
JCheckBox centeredChk
ColorButton colorButton
JTextField exitUrlTxt
JRadioButton fullPageOption
JTextField heightText
JRadioButton mixedContentOption
JTextArea postTextEdit
JTextArea prevTextEdit
JPanel sizePanel
JTextField titleTxt
JTextField widthText
AuthorSettings settings
boolean result
Component parent
Messages msg
JTextField browserField
JTextField codebaseTxt
ColorButton colorButton
JTextField countryField
JTextField heightText
JPanel imgSizePanel
JComboBox<E> langCombo
JComboBox<E> lookCombo
JRadioButton mDefaultBtn
JRadioButton mJMFbtn
JRadioButton mQTbtn
JTextField maxImgHeightText
JTextField maxImgWidthText
JTextField variantField
JTextField widthText
Options options
Messages messages
JClicProject project
JFrame debugFrame
int recentFilesOffset
JMenuBar menuBar
JMenu fileMenu
JMenu recentFilesMenu
JMenu toolsMenu
JMenu helpMenu
JMenu editMenu
JMenu insertMenu
JMenu viewMenu
AuthorSettings settings
Player player
JTabbedPane tabbedPane
Action[] actions
Action[] projectActions
SwingWorker worker
JDialog playerDlg
JClicProjectEditor projectEditor
EditorPanel mediaBagEditorPanel
EditorPanel activityBagEditorPanel
EditorPanel activitySequenceEditorPanel
EditorPanel projectSettingsEditorPanel
ProgressDialog progressDialog
EditorPanel lastFocusedPanel
FocusListener focusListener
Options options
ActivityBagElementEditor abed
ActivityBagEditor abe
CheckBoxTreeObject bgColor
CheckBoxTreeObject bgGradient
CheckBoxTreeObject bgImage
CheckBoxTreeObject activityBgColor
CheckBoxTreeObject activityBgGradient
CheckBoxTreeObject transparentBg
CheckBoxTreeObject border
CheckBoxTreeObject position
CheckBoxTreeObject margin
CheckBoxTreeObject msgPrev
CheckBoxTreeObject msgIni
CheckBoxTreeObject msgEnd
CheckBoxTreeObject msgErr
CheckBoxTreeObject repInclude
CheckBoxTreeObject repActions
CheckBoxTreeObject skin
CheckBoxTreeObject evSounds
CheckBoxTreeObject cTime
CheckBoxTreeObject maxTime
CheckBoxTreeObject cTries
CheckBoxTreeObject maxTries
CheckBoxTreeObject cScore
CheckBoxTreeObject scramble
CheckBoxTreeObject helpBtn
CheckBoxTreeObject infoBtn
CheckBoxTreeObject gridA
CheckBoxTreeObject gridB
CheckBoxTreeObject textGrid
CheckBoxTreeObject textFontFace
CheckBoxTreeObject textFontSize
CheckBoxTreeObject textStyle
CheckBoxTreeObject textColour
CheckBoxTreeObject targetColour
CheckBoxTreeObject errorColour
CheckBoxTreeObject tabSpace
JList<E> actList
CheckBoxTree checkBoxTree
JButton selectAllBtn
JButton selectNoneBtn
JFrame debugFrame
int recentFilesOffset
JMenuBar menuBar
JMenu fileMenu
JMenu recentFilesMenu
JMenu activityMenu
JMenu toolsMenu
JMenu helpMenu
PlayerSettings settings
FressaFunctions fressa
Activity.Panel ap
that this object belongs to.AbstractBox markedBox
, if any.boolean markedBoxWasVisible
Action[] actions
objects used by the player.Messages messages
object.JClicProject project
currently hosted by the
.Activity.Panel actPanel
)of the Activity
running in the Player
.PlayerHistory history
.Skin skin
of the Player
.Skin defaultSkin
. Users can override the
setting and choose another Skin to be used by
default in JClic.ActiveMediaBag activeMediaBag
Reporter reporter
.EventSounds eventSounds
.Timer timer
, used to feed the time conter. This timer generates an
event every second.boolean audioEnabled
must play the sounds (including
system sounds) and other media contents of the activities.boolean trace
boolean navButtonsDisabled
boolean navButtonsAlways
, the navigation buttons are always enabled,
despite of the indications made by the activities or the sequence control system.
Used only for debugging projects with complicated sequence chaining.String appName
is running.Timer delayedTimer
Action delayedAction
Object currentConstraints
int[] counterVal
Cursor[] cursors
Options options
Image splashImg
Point bgImageOrigin
SwingWorker worker
PlayerSettings settings
boolean result
Component parent
LibraryManager libraryManager
Messages msg
Map<K,V> reporterOptions
JCheckBox autoRunLibChk
JTextField browserField
JTextField countryField
JPanel editLibPanel
JRadioButton jdbcBtn
JComboBox<E> langCombo
JComboBox<E> lookCombo
JRadioButton mDefaultBtn
JRadioButton mJMFbtn
JRadioButton mQTbtn
JRadioButton otherBtn
JCheckBox pwdCheck
JPasswordField pwdField1
JPasswordField pwdField2
JCheckBox reportChk
JTextField rpAddressTxt
JTextField rpClassTxt
JTextField rpDriverTxt
JTextField rpParamsTxt
JPasswordField rpPwdTxt
JTextField rpUrlTxt
JTextField rpUserTxt
JComboBox<E> skinCombo
JCheckBox soundEnabledChk
JCheckBox systemSoundsChk
JRadioButton tcpBtn
JTextField variantField
RunnableComponent rc
JLabel splashLabel
String project
Options options
boolean trace
String playerClass
SingleInstanceJFrame.SocketThread socketThread
boolean initializing
boolean armed
JPanel panelPlaphoons
int cellWidth
int cellHeight
JLabel[][] keys
boolean[][] full
int frameBorder
int frameSpan
int span
boolean isShiftLock
boolean isShift
int iIsShift
int nIsShift
boolean isHorizontalScanning
int xPos
int yPos
FressaFunctions fressa
Font font
Font boldFont
ProjectLibrary projectLibrary
JTextField captionText
JPanel mainPanel
ImageIcon meIcon
ProjectLibrary projectLibrary
List<E> icons
JButton btFindIcon
JButton btFindProject
JTextField captionText
JTextField descText
JComboBox<E> iconCombo
JPanel mainPanel
JTextField projectText
Options options
JPanel btnPanel
JCheckBox checkButtonChk
JTextField checkButtonTxt
Options options
BasicEvaluatorPanel basicPanel
ComplexEvaluatorPanel complexPanel
CheckOptionsPanel optionsPanel
JPanel m_basicPanel
JPanel m_complexPanel
JPanel m_optionsPanel
Options options
SmallIntEditor detailField
JCheckBox detailChk
SmallIntEditor detailSteps
Options options
BasicEvaluatorPanel basicPanel
ComplexEvaluatorPanel complexPanel
CheckOptionsPanel optionsPanel
JPanel m_basicPanel
JCheckBox autoJumpChk
JCheckBox forceOkChk
JPanel m_complexPanel
JPanel m_optionsPanel
JPanel progressPanel
Options options
JRadioButton identWordsBtn
ButtonGroup bGroup
JRadioButton identCharsBtn
Options options
BasicEvaluatorPanel basicPanel
CheckOptionsPanel optionsPanel
JPanel m_basicPanel
JPanel m_optionsPanel
Options options
JRadioButton orderWordsBtn
JCheckBox amongstParChk
ButtonGroup bGroup
JRadioButton orderParagraphsBtn
TargetMarker currentTarget
JScrollPane scrollPane
JButton checkButton
TextActivityPane pane
boolean showingPrevScreen
Timer prevScreenTimer
TextTarget.PopupTimer popupTimer
int tabSpc
int lastBoxId
StyleContext styleContext
TargetMarkerBag tmb
ActiveBagContent boxesContent
ActiveBagContent popupsContent
int targetType
Resizer resizer
boolean skipUpdate
String fontName
int fontSize
boolean changeCombos
CaretListener caretListener
JToggleButton alCenterBtn
JToggleButton alLeftBtn
JToggleButton alRightBtn
ButtonGroup alignGrp
ColorButton bgColorBtn
JToggleButton boldBtn
JButton clearStylesBtn
JButton editTargetBtn
JComboBox<E> fontFaceCombo
JComboBox<E> fontSizeCombo
SmallIntEditor heightEdit
JButton insertBoxBtn
JToggleButton italicBtn
JScrollPane mainScroll
JButton optionsBtn
JButton prevScreenBtn
JPanel previewPanel
JButton styleBtn
JToggleButton targetBtn
ColorButton textColorBtn
JTextPane textPane
JScrollPane textScroll
JButton typeBtn
JToggleButton underlineBtn
SmallIntEditor widthEdit
TextActivityBase.Panel tabp
TextActivityBase tab
ActiveBox bx
Options options
ActiveBoxPreviewPanel abpp
TextActivityBaseEditor tabe
ButtonGroup mainGroup
SmallIntEditor timeEdit
JRadioButton btnSpecial
JTextPane textEdit
BoxBaseButton styleBtn
JPanel prevMsgPanel
JRadioButton btnOriginal
JLabel timeLb
JRadioButton btnNo
Options options
StyleContext sc
ColorButton bgColorBtn
JToggleButton boldBtn
ColorButton errorBgColor
ColorButton errorFgColor
JComboBox<E> fontFaceCombo
JComboBox<E> fontSizeCombo
JToggleButton italicBtn
JTextPane previewPanel
JSlider tabSlider
ColorButton targetBgColor
ColorButton targetFgColor
ColorButton textColorBtn
JToggleButton underlineBtn
TextTarget target
boolean action
TextActivityBase.Panel tabp
TargetMarker tm
Color bgColor
Color foreColor
Color errBgColor
Color errForeColor
Font rFont
edu.xtec.jclic.activities.text.TextTarget.TargetCombo.TargetComboCellRenderer cellRenderer
JTextField txEditor
AbstractAction showListAction
AbstractAction fwdAction
AbstractAction bkAction
Options options
TextTarget textTarget
JPanelActiveBox jpab
Resizer resizer
MediaBagEditor mbe
String[] popItems
JLabel answerLb
TextListEditor answerListEditor
JPanel cardPanel
SmallIntEditor delayEditor
JLabel delayLb
JTextField fillingCh
JLabel fillingChLb
SmallIntEditor iniLenEditor
JLabel iniLenLb
JTextField iniText
JLabel iniTextLb
JCheckBox listChk
TextListEditor listEditor
SmallIntEditor maxLenEditor
SmallIntEditor maxTimeEditor
JLabel maxTimeLb
JLabel maxlenLb
JCheckBox onlyPlayChk
ButtonGroup popupOptions
JPanel popupPreview
JComboBox<E> typeCombo
String[] ORD_LIST
OperatorEditorPanel firstOpPanel
OperatorEditorPanel secondOpPanel
JRadioButton agbOpt
JRadioButton albOpt
JCheckBox avoidDupChk
JCheckBox chkDivide
JCheckBox chkMinus
JCheckBox chkMultiply
JCheckBox chkPlus
JCheckBox chk_aobx
JCheckBox chk_aoxr
JCheckBox chk_axbr
JCheckBox chk_invert
JCheckBox chk_xobr
ButtonGroup condGrp
JPanel condPanel
JPanel firstOpPanelX
JComboBox<E> fromCombo
JRadioButton indOpt
JCheckBox notCarryChk
JPanel operationsPanel
JComboBox<E> orderCombo
JPanel resultPanel
JPanel rightPanel
JPanel secondOpPanelX
JLabel sepright
JLabel sepright1
JComboBox<E> toCombo
JPanel unknownPanel
Options options
ButtonGroup decGrp
JComboBox<E> fromCombo
JCheckBox fromListChk
JTextField listTxt
JRadioButton opDec0
JRadioButton opDec1
JRadioButton opDec2
JPanel opPanel
JPanel rangePanel
JComboBox<E> toCombo
JCheckBox withMinusOneChk
JCheckBox withOneChk
JCheckBox withZeroChk
JButton browseBtn
JComboBox<E> charsetCombo
JLabel charsetLb
JLabel fileLb
JPanel filePanel
JTextField fileTx
JLabel tagEndLb
JTextField tagEndTx
JPanel tagPanel
JLabel tagStartLb
JTextField tagStartTx
boolean modified
ActivityBagElementEditor currentItem
Map<K,V> editPanels
EditorPanel currentPanel
JPanel edit
JList<E> list
DefaultListModel<E> tagList
boolean initializing
ActivitySequenceElementEditor currentItem
edu.xtec.jclic.bags.ActivitySequenceEditorPanel.SeqTableModel tableModel
TableCellRenderer headerIcoCellRenderer
JPanel edit
JTable seqTable
JSplitPane split
ActivitySequence activitySequence
String[] fwdOptions
String[] backOptions
Icon[] fwdIcons
Icon[] backIcons
ListComboModel actModel
ListComboModel jmpTagModel
JComboBox<E> tagCombo
JTextField prjEdit
JComponent[] prompt_objects
String[] prompt_keys
String[] prompt_msg
JComboBox<E> actCombo
JCheckBox autoChk
JComboBox<E> backActionCombo
JCheckBox backEnabledChk
JButton backJumpBtn
JLabel backJumpLb
SmallIntEditor delayEditor
JTextArea descText
JButton editActBtn
JComboBox<E> fwdActionCombo
JCheckBox fwdEnabledChk
JButton fwdJumpBtn
JLabel fwdJumpLb
NullableObject lowerBtn
JPanel mainPanel
JScrollPane scroll
JTextField tagText
NullableObject upperBtn
BasicStroke stroke
Options options
String[] jmpOptions
Icon[] jmpIcons
ActivitySequenceElementEditorPanel asep
ConditionalJumpInfo ji
String sType
JComboBox<E> actionCombo
JButton jumpBtn
JLabel jumpLb
SmallIntEditor thresholdInt
SmallIntEditor timeInt
ZipFileSystem.ExtendedZipEntry zipEntry
ZipFileSystem zipFileSystem
FileSystem fileSystem
JButton chFileBtn
JButton chNameBtn
JButton editActBtn
JLabel fileText
JPanel mainPanel
JLabel nameText
JList<E> refList
JPanel refPanel
JScrollPane refScroll
JButton refreshFileBtn
JButton saveFileBtn
JPanel settingsPanel
JLabel sizeTx
JLabel typeTx
JCheckBox zipIncludeChk
ThumbsExplorerPanel selectPanel
MediaBagElementEditor current
int filters
ListSelectionListener btSelListener
ActionListener btActListener
ButtonGroup bGroup
JPanel elementEditPanel
JComboBox<E> filterCombo
JLabel filterLb
JPanel filterPanel
JPanel mainPanel
JPanel sPanel
JScrollPane scrollPanel
JLabel statusLb
Options options
MediaBagEditor mbe
MediaBagElementEditor current
int filters
ListSelectionListener selListener
JButton addMediaBtn
JPanel elementPanel
JLabel fileLb
JLabel fileText
JPanel listPanel
JList<E> mediaList
JLabel nameLb
JLabel nameText
JLabel previewLabel
JScrollPane scrollList
JLabel sizeTx
JLabel typeTx
MediaBagElementEditor mbed
Options options
PlayStation ps
int mediaType
Options options
SelectActivityClass sac
JPanel classPanel
JTextField nameField
Options options
List<E> activityClasses
List<E> currentSet
String currentClassName
JLabel alertLabel
JTextField classField
JList<E> classList
JEditorPane descText
JSplitPane jSplitPane1
JPanel promptPanel
JScrollPane scroll2
JColorChooser currentChooser
Options options
JSlider alphaSlider
JTextField alphaTxt
AbstractBox preview
String label
boolean selected
JToggleButton[] buttons
int direction
MediaBagEditor mbe
EventSounds evs
MediaBagEditor mbe
MediaBagEditor mbe
Object object
JCheckBox check
boolean nullValue
AbstractButton button
Options options
boolean modified
JPanel mainPanel
JToggleButton rollBtn
JSeparator separator
JPanel titleBarPanel
JLabel titleLb
JButton plusButton
JButton minusButton
edu.xtec.jclic.beans.SmallIntEditor.NumberField textFld
int max
int min
int lastValue
Toolkit toolkit
NumberFormat integerFormatter
int[] values
boolean editable
MediaBagEditor mbe
Options options
DefaultListModel<E> listModel
boolean modified
int maxItems
int minItems
boolean upperCase
JButton addBtn
JPanel btnPanel
JButton downBtn
JButton editBtn
JList<E> list
JButton removeBtn
JButton upBtn
AbstractBox parent
JComponent container
BoxBase boxBase
boolean border
Shape shape
boolean specialShape
boolean visible
boolean temporaryHidden
boolean inactive
boolean inverted
boolean alternative
boolean marked
boolean focused
Component hostedComponent
ActiveBagContentEditor parent
ActiveBagContent abc
ActiveBagContent altAbc
ActiveBagContentControlPanel syncPanel
boolean altNull
Options options
int index
int altIndex
int visualIndex
boolean simpleMode
JCheckBox altChk
JCheckBox borderChk
BoxBaseButton boxBaseButton
SmallIntEditor heightEdit
ImgButton imgButton
JLabel imgLb
SmallIntEditor nColsEdit
JLabel nColsLb
SmallIntEditor nRowsEdit
JLabel nRowsLb
JCheckBox scrambleChk
JComboBox<E> shaperCombo
JButton shaperEditBtn
JLabel shaperLb
JToggleButton toggleAlt
SmallIntEditor widthEdit
JTabbedPane ctrlTab
ActiveBagContentPreviewPanel abcpp
ActiveBagContentControlPanel[] cp
TextGridContentControlPanel tgp
ActiveBagContentRelPanel rp
ActiveBagContentLayoutPanel lp
MediaBagEditor mediaBagEditor
boolean useRel
boolean useBoolRel
boolean crossWord
int relIndex
ActiveBagContent saveBag
ActiveBagContent saveBagAlt
JPanel previewPanel
JScrollPane previewScroll
ActiveBagContentEditor parent
Options options
int boxGridPos
JToggleButton abBtn
JToggleButton aubBtn
JToggleButton baBtn
JToggleButton buaBtn
ButtonGroup layoutGroup
AbstractBox[] bg
ActiveBoxBag[] abg
TextGrid[] grid
ActiveBagContent[] abc
ActiveBagContent[] altAbc
ActiveBagContent[][] allAbc
TextGridContent[] tgc
MediaBagEditor mbe
boolean[] allowResize
boolean dragCursorX
boolean dragCursorY
boolean dragging
int margin
int cgrid
int boxGridPos
ActiveBagContentEditor parent
int editMode
int currentLine
int highlightLine
BoxConnector bc
boolean showAllArrows
boolean crossWord
ActiveBox hClue
ActiveBox vClue
Color softLineColor
Color activeLineColor
Color arrowColor
ActiveBagContentEditor parent
Options options
boolean isBoolean
ColorButton arrowColorBtn
JLabel arrowColorLb
JCheckBox inverseResolutionChk
ButtonGroup layoutGroup
JCheckBox showAllArrowsChk
int idOrder
int idLoc
int idAss
ActiveBoxContent content
ActiveBoxContent altContent
boolean hasHostedComponent
ActiveMediaPlayer hostedMediaPlayer
Options options
ActiveBoxContent abc
MediaBagEditor mbe
boolean eventsEnabled
ActiveBox preview
JCheckBox borderChk
BoxBaseButton boxBaseButton
ButtonGroup hAlignGrp
SmallIntEditor heightEdit
JLabel heightLb
ImgButton imgButton
Compass imgCompass
MediaContentButton mcButton
JLabel mcLb
JCheckBox overlapChk
JLabel sizeLb
JPanel sizePanel
JSeparator sizeSep
JLabel styleLb
JTextArea textArea
Compass textCompass
JScrollPane textScroll
ButtonGroup vAlignGrp
SmallIntEditor widthEdit
JLabel widthLb
ActiveBox ab
ActiveBoxContent abc
ActiveBagContent abc
ActiveBagContent altAbc
Timer timer
int delay
boolean running
int currentFrame
boolean waitingForFirstFrame
long startTime
int startDelay
ArrayList<E> cells
Rectangle2D preferredBounds
AbstractBox backgroundBox
Options options
BoxBase bb
ActionListener cfListener
PropertyChangeListener propListener
ActionListener actionListener
ChangeListener borderListener
ColorButton altColorBtn
ColorButton bgColorBtn
JToggleButton boldBtn
ColorButton borderColorBtn
JSlider borderWidthSlider
JComboBox<E> fontFaceCombo
JComboBox<E> fontSizeCombo
GradientButton gradientButton
ColorButton inactiveColorBtn
JToggleButton italicBtn
JSlider markerWidthSlider
JCheckBox shadowChk
ColorButton shadowColorBtn
ColorButton textColorBtn
SmallIntEditor textMarginInt
JCheckBox transparentChk
JPanel typefacePanel
Activity.Panel parentActivityPanel
PlayStation ps
ActiveBox ab
boolean catchMouseEvents
Component mouseListener
ImageObserver io
int nRows
int nCols
char[][] chars
char[][] answers
int[][] attributes
double cellWidth
double cellHeight
Rectangle2D preferredBounds
char wild
String randomChars
boolean cursorEnabled
boolean useCursor
Point cursor
boolean cursorBlink
Timer cursorTimer
boolean wildTransparent
ActiveBagContentEditor parent
TextGridContent tgc
Options options
boolean isWordSearch
int index
JCheckBox borderChk
BoxBaseButton boxBaseButton
SmallIntEditor heightEdit
SmallIntEditor nColsEdit
SmallIntEditor nRowsEdit
JCheckBox useGridBChk
SmallIntEditor widthEdit
JCheckBox wildTransparentChk
TextListEditor wordListEditor
JLabel wordListLb
JPanel wordSearchPanel
int th_width
int th_height
int th_margin
int th_textHeight
int th_int_margin
Font font
List<E> elements
ThumbsExplorerPanel.ThumbElement current
int elementsPerRow
EventListenerList listenersList
Dimension maxThumbSize
Dimension boxSize
HashSet<E> listeners
DefaultTreeModel treeModel
JTree currentTree
ListSelectionModel listSelectionModel
Editor.LModel listModel
boolean modified
boolean restrictMoveToSameType
boolean allowCopy
boolean allowCut
boolean allowPaste
boolean allowDelete
ActionEvent ev
Editor editor
Options options
Options options
JLabel[] txFields
JCheckBox[] chkBoxes
SoundButton[] buttons
EventSounds evs
JLabel evActionError
SoundButton evActionErrorBtn
JCheckBox evActionErrorChk
JLabel evActionErrorLb
JLabel evActionOk
SoundButton evActionOkBtn
JCheckBox evActionOkChk
JLabel evActionOkLb
JLabel evClick
SoundButton evClickBtn
JCheckBox evClickChk
JLabel evClickLb
JLabel evFinishedError
SoundButton evFinishedErrorBtn
JCheckBox evFinishedErrorChk
JLabel evFinishedErrorLb
JLabel evFinishedOk
SoundButton evFinishedOkBtn
JCheckBox evFinishedOkChk
JLabel evFinishedOkLb
JLabel evStart
SoundButton evStartBtn
JCheckBox evStartChk
JLabel evStartLb
MediaContent mc
Options options
MediaBagEditor mbe
List<E> locationFromNames
JTextField[] textFields
JCheckBox autostartChk
JCheckBox catchMouseChk
JTextField externalTxt
JPanel filePanel
JTextField fileTxt
JButton findFileBtn
JPanel fragmentPanel
JTextField fromTxt
JLabel lbExternal
JLabel lbFile
JLabel lbFrom
JLabel lbLength
JLabel lbLevel
JLabel lbLocFrom
JLabel lbRecbuffer
JLabel lbTo
JLabel lbX
JLabel lbY
SmallIntEditor lengthEditor
SmallIntEditor levelEditor
JComboBox<E> locFromCombo
JPanel locationPanel
JCheckBox loopChk
JPanel mainPanel
JPanel mediaTypePanel
ButtonGroup mediaTypes
JRadioButton posAbsoluteRadio
JRadioButton posCellRadio
ButtonGroup posTypes
JRadioButton posWindowRadio
SmallIntEditor recBufferEditor
JCheckBox stretchChk
JTextField toTxt
JToggleButton toggleType01
JToggleButton toggleType02
JToggleButton toggleType03
JToggleButton toggleType04
JToggleButton toggleType05
JToggleButton toggleType06
JToggleButton toggleType07
JToggleButton toggleType08
JToggleButton toggleType09
JToggleButton toggleType10
JToggleButton toggleType11
JToggleButton toggleType12
JTextField xTxt
JTextField yTxt
Options options
Gradient gradient
ColorButton startColorBtn
JTextField cyclesTxt
ColorButton endColorBtn
JSlider cyclesSlider
JPanel previewPanel
JSlider orientationSlider
JTextField orientationTxt
Options options
JTextArea commentsText
JTextField mailText
JTextField nameText
JTextField organizationText
JTextField rolText
JTextField urlText
ResourceBridge rb
Options options
SwingWorker sw
File exportPath
PrintStream ps
JButton browserBtn
JButton cancelBtn
JButton copyBtn
JScrollPane jScrollPane1
JTextArea logArea
ResourceBridge rb
Options options
String outputFolder
boolean exportAll
JFileChooser chooser
JCheckBox allPrjChk
JLabel exportLb
JButton outputFolderBtn
JLabel outputFolderLb
JTextField outputFolderText
ActivityBagEditor abe
ActivitySequenceEditor ase
MediaBagEditor mbe
ProjectSettingsEditor pse
TestPlayerContainer testPlayerContainer
PlayerSettings settings
Options options
JRadioButton btOptionLink
JRadioButton btOptionNew
JButton fileBrowseBtn
JTextField fileText
ResourceBridge rb
Options options
String name
String fileName
String folder
String baseFolder
JFileChooser chooser
DocumentListener dl
JLabel extLb
JLabel fileNameLb
JTextField fileNameText
JButton folderBtn
JLabel folderLb
JTextField folderText
JLabel nameLb
JTextField nameText
JLabel spacer
Options options
JTextField addressText
JTextField cityText
JTextArea commentsText
JTextField countryText
JTextField mailText
JTextField nameText
JTextField pcText
JTextField stateText
JTextField urlText
ProjectLibrary result
boolean cancel
boolean launchNow
String pathToMainProject
Messages msg
LibraryManager lm
FileSystem storeFileSystem
ProjectInstaller pi
ProjectLibrary pl
LibraryManager.LibraryPane libraryPane
EditorTreePanel etp
File installDir
Options options
boolean workerRunning
SwingWorker worker
boolean copyComplete
Font titleFont
Font mainFont
Font itemFont
Image logo
Gradient logoGp
int currentStage
JButton cancelBtn
JPanel card00
JPanel card01
JPanel card02
JPanel card03
JPanel card04
JLabel cardTitleLb
JLabel destLb
JProgressBar itemProgressBar
JCheckBox launchProjectChk
JPanel libFolderPanel
JPanel logoPanel
JPanel mainPane
JButton nextBtn
JButton prevBtn
JPanel selectLibPanel
JLabel statusLb
Options options
DefaultListModel<E> availModel
DefaultListModel<E> filesModel
String suggestedFileName
JButton addBtn
JTextField authFld
JList<E> availFiles
JScrollPane availFilesSP
JTextField descFld
JTextField folderFld
JTextField iconFld
JList<E> includedFiles
JScrollPane includedFilesSP
JTextField projectFld
JButton removeBtn
JTextField textFld
JTextField titleFld
JPanel mainPanel
JTextField titleText
AuthorEditPanel authorEditPanel
OrganizationEditPanel organizationEditPanel
RevisionEditPanel revisionEditPanel
JTextField areaText
RollPanel authPanel
TextListEditor authorListEditor
RollPanel descPanel
JTextPane descText
RollPanel descrPanel
JTextField descriptorsText
EventSoundsButton evSoundsBtn
TextListEditor langListEditor
JTextField levelText
JPanel mainPanel
TextListEditor orgListEditor
TextListEditor revListEditor
JScrollPane scroll
JComboBox<E> skinCombo
JTextField titleText
RollPanel uiPanel
Options options
AuthorEditPanel authorEditPanel
TextListEditor authorListEditor
JTextArea commentsText
JTextField dateText
JTextField descText
String description
String name
String description
List<E> activities
ActivityReg currentActivity
long totalTime
boolean closed
Options options
Holes shaper
Image img
Rectangle previewArea
BoxBase previewBb
edu.xtec.jclic.shapers.HolesEditorPanel.ShapeListModel listModel
ListSelectionListener listSelectionListener
boolean modified
int currentShape
PolygonDrawPanel pdp
boolean shapeDrawn
double xFactor
double yFactor
double lastWidth
double lastHeight
Dimension previewDim
boolean initializing
int zoomFactor
ButtonGroup bgMode
JButton btBezier
JButton btContract
JButton btCopy
JButton btDelete
JToggleButton btDivide
JToggleButton btEllipse
JButton btExpand
JToggleButton btGrid
JButton btLine
JToggleButton btMagnet
JButton btPaste
JToggleButton btPolygon
JButton btQuad
JToggleButton btRect
JButton btRotateLeft
JButton btRotateRight
JToggleButton btSelect
JToggleButton btShowDrawnPoints
JButton btZoomIn
JButton btZoomOut
JButton downBtn
SmallIntEditor gridSizeEdit
JTextField lbZoom
JScrollPane listScroll
SmallIntEditor magnetRadiusEdit
JPanel orderBtnPanel
JScrollPane previewPanel
JList<E> shapesList
JTextField tfName
JButton upBtn
Options options
JigSaw shaper
Image img
Rectangle previewArea
BoxBase previewBb
boolean modified
JCheckBox randomChk
JSlider toothHeightSlider
JPanel controlPanel
JPanel previewPanel
JSlider toothWidthSlider
ResourceBridge rb
JTabbedPane tPane
BufferedImage img
Color fillColor
int initiated
Rectangle frame
int leftSlicer
int rightSlicer
int topSlicer
int bottomSlicer
Rectangle playerRect
Rectangle msgRect
Rectangle[] msgAreaRect
Color textColor
Rectangle[] buttonsRect
Rectangle[][] countersRect
ActiveBox[] countersLabel
AbstractBox[] boxes
JProgressBar progressBar
Rectangle progressBarRect
Rectangle progressAnimationRect
AnimatedActiveBox progressAnimation
boolean hideProgressBar
boolean hideProgressAnim
String name
String fileName
AbstractButton[] buttons
Counter[] counters
ActiveBox[] msgArea
Component player
PlayStation ps
ActiveBox msgBox
long mem
boolean readyToPaint
JDialog currentHelpWindow
JDialog currentAboutWindow
int progressMax
int progress
boolean hasProgress
boolean progressActive
long progressStartTime
boolean modified
MouseAdapter mouseAdapter
WindowAdapter wa
boolean waConnected
ResourceBridge rb
TreeSelectionListener treeSelectionListener
ListSelectionListener listSelectionListener
JDomTreeObject current
DefaultMutableTreeNode currentNode
FileSystem fs
String fileName
Element element
DefaultMutableTreeNode clip
boolean cut
JButton copyBtn
JButton cutBtn
JButton delAttributeBtn
JButton delElementBtn
JButton newAttributeBtn
JButton newElementBtn
JButton pasteBtn
JButton saveBtn
JTable table
JTree tree
Options options
SwingWorker worker
boolean progressActive
boolean cancellable
boolean saving
JButton cancelButton
JLabel fileLabel
JLabel label
JPanel mainPanel
JProgressBar progressBar
TexturePaint tp
SmallButtonBorder smb
JPanel panel
int panelHGap
int panelVGap
Copyright © 2004-15 Francesc Busquets ( & Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (
Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.